Where's Donna?
When my mom wanted to know she used all three of my names, “Donna Lorraine Gatlin!”
When my husband wanted to know he would ask my daughter, “Where’s Mommy?”
When they want to know at the office, they text me.
Depending on whose looking for you, you might come running or you might hide. For me “Where’s Donna?” is what I aspire to- taken from one of my favorite verses in the Bible and I mean FAVORITE!
Jesus heard about the death of Lazarus. Upon entering the town he has a brief exchange with Martha where he declares that Lazarus will live again. Powerful, no doubt but the verse that captures my heart- every time- is John 11:28. Martha runs home and whispers to Mary, “The teacher is here and he is asking for you.”
My greatest desire? That if Jesus came to Lawrenceville, he would ask, “Where’s Donna?”
I wonder if it was Jesus remembering Mary’s attention to him the last time he was at her house. Maybe he wanted to see the face of someone who loved him, who took time for him-who gave more than she took. Maybe he knew they would minister to each other in their loss.
We’ll never know. But we do know Mary didn’t hesitate when Martha whispered in her ear. She jumped up and ran to him! I guess so! Imagine being in a meeting in the fancy Board Room at work and your receptionist runs in and whispers in your ear, “Jesus is here for you!”
Guess what? Jesus asks for you every day. He wants time with you! He comes to our towns and sends heralds out, “Where are my children- the saved, the lost, the lonely, the hurting, the helpless, the distressed?” There is no question he calls- the question is do you come? Do you come running and throw yourself on the goodness and grace of our Savior? Do you run and hide fearing judgment for some unconfessed sin? Do you whisper in someone else’s ear, “He must be here for you” because you can’t believe he would ever want time with you? Scripture says He stands at the door and knocks… and waits.
Not only do I want to be the type of person that Jesus asks for, I want to be the person my friends, my co-workers, my leaders ask for. I want to be known as the person that has something to give- something to offer- something to share.
Do the people around you ask for you? Seek you out?
Do they know you’re someone who shares wisdom?
Do they know you’re someone who is compassionate?
Do they know you’re someone who can get the job done?
Who are you running to? Who is running to you?