Day 4 of 31: Rushing Wind

I was recently at a mountain cabin sitting on the back deck when a forceful wind came out of nowhere. I was snuggled up under a warm blanket with my face to the sun. As the wind chimes played a pleasant tune, I heard leaves rustling. I looked down hoping for a rare deer sighting. But as the wind continued blowing I realized the sound was coming from a cluster of dead leaves clinging to a branch on the otherwise barren tree above me. It occurred to me that the more stubborn the leaf, the harder the wind has to blow for it to let go.

An old Keith Green song came to mind so I jumped on youtube (yeah, I'm a techie that way) found the song and I played it, and played it until I prayed it, and prayed it.  I have to admit I am that clinging leaf. There are times when I refuse to die. God has sent gentle winds of encouragement, "It's okay to let go. I'll carry you gently to the ground." But my stubbornness and unwillingness kept me locked on the limbs. So God would send a stronger force.

After a strong and violent wind came from heaven on Pentecost, Acts 4:31 says, "After they prayed, the place where they were meeting was shaken. And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and spoke the word of God boldly."

I want that, Lord! So blow wind, blow!

Reflection: What are you clinging to that is keeping you from being filled with the Holy Spirit and speaking the word of God boldly?

Prayer: Sing this as your prayer today! Ask God to send His Holy Spirit to blow through your life sweeping out the dust and dead things that keep you from growing or receiving God’s full power.

"Rushing Wind," by Keith Green






Day 5 of 31: Isolation


Day 3 of 31: Defenseless