Day 15 of 31: WE make a difference.
Recently a new statue hit Wall Street. Entitled, "Fearless Girl", this young lady faces down a bull with her hands on her hips and chest puffed out in defiance. The plaque reads: "Know the power of women in leadership. She makes a difference."
When I saw the statue I thought, the difference between this little girl and the women who are a part of this march is who stands behind them. "Fearless girl" faces her enemy alone. We, as daughters of the King, are surrounded by reinforcements like in 2 Kings 6:15-16:
"When the servant of the man of God (Elisha) went out the next morning, an army with horses and chariots had surrounded the city. “Oh no! What shall we do?” the servant asked. “Don’t be afraid,” the prophet answered. “Those who are with us are more than those who are with them.”
As we enter the second half of the march, who is warring with us- our "WE"- will make all the difference in the world! I wanted to share this excerpt of someone on the march who is "facing the bull" so to speak.
"The last few days I’ve been depressed and feeling unworthy of anything from God. After a day feeling totally defeated, I attended a Women’s Event with my Small Group. My tank re-fueled and my feelings of worthlessness faded. Today I spent time with someone with whom I freely share my soul. Again I was fueled and thoughts of unworthiness dissipated. The difference between today and yesterday? Community. I was home alone for three days. Alone in my own head and thoughts, wide open for the enemy to sit on my shoulder and tell me how unworthy and unimportant I am in this world. I fall for it over and over. I'm asking God for the next few weeks, while focusing on the march, to help me surround myself in community. Show me the army that I need to “March” with. I need people to help me self-arrest before my emotions get out of hand because of lies the enemy is convincing me is truth!"
Reflection: Do you feel more like the girl facing the bull or the servant surrounded by his army? Who is your army? If you do not have one, build one. You can’t make it through this “march” without one.
Prayer: Lord, please forgive me once again as I have listened to the lies of the enemy. Jeremiah 31:3 says that “You have loved me with an everlasting love”. There's no one else who loves me with such incredible love. I so easily forget. Open my eyes to the strong army of women who will surround me, fight with me and hold me accountable to who YOU say I am.