Day 23 of 31: Pray for the Light

A couple of nights ago Kansas came to Georgia. Winds reached 60 mph and I was pretty sure I was on my way to see the Wizard. The house was rattling and I couldn't even grab my equivalent of a Toto because my cat, Bella, was hiding underneath the recliner. And then the power went out... everywhere. I didn't jump right up to try and solve anything. I sat. I listened. As I sat in the dark the thunder crashing and flashes of light made me think of the spiritual warfare battling in the atmosphere- the other-worldly war. I was consumed with the feeling of darkness that covers the world today. It wasn't long before I desired light- some light- ANY light. 

My cell phone was less than 20% so I knew I couldn't depend on that too long- as with any man-made remedy. I eventually found some candles. With just one lit, it gave light to the whole living room/kitchen area. Wow, I thought- one candle-how much light. Aren't we called to be the light? Doesn't the world need the light? How much light, just ONE candle burning bright!

Later when I went to bed, the power was still out so I took a candle holder into the bedroom. The candle at the bottom was pretty old so I dropped in a tea light, figuring it would burn out in about 4 hours. Since it was contained- no problem. When I woke up the next morning, the first thing I saw was the candlelight flickering on the ceiling. "It can't be," I thought. "There's no way." I mean, this is widow's oil kind of stuff! I got up I looked inside the glass. The tea light had in fact gone out but not before igniting the candle I thought was too old/too burned out.

Reflection: Who do you need to come alongside and ignite? Who do you know is living in the darkness of shame, doubt, insecurity, loss, or fear? How can you be light in a world of darkness?

Prayer: Father, you created light and called it good. Jesus said he is the light of the world and we know he is good. Scripture tells us that if we follow him we will never walk in darkness but will have the light of life. Although we were once in darkness, scripture says that we are children of light because our light comes from the Lord. Show me how to be light in a dark world. Be my lamp and guide me to Your children who are captive to the darkness. They don't believe in light- or worse they believe it is for others, not for them. Show me what it means to be a light on a hill glowing with your goodness, leading the lost back to you. In Jesus name, amen.                      John 8:12, Ephesians 5:8, Psalm 18:28, Matthew 5:14



Day 24 of 31: Pray for Commitment to Stand


Day 22 of 31: Pray for a Steady Heart